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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

The Founder, Will, came from a food and beverage journalism background where he traveled the world experiencing hundreds of prix fixe, craft beer, wine, and meal events before becoming a restaurant and then nonprofit consultant. Once covid hit he hopped back into the restaurant and food industry to take it easy. Now he wants to share his world wide knowledge with you to show you how to enjoy convenient food and drink in a whole new light.

Our Story

One day Will's friend, lets call him Tom, was talking to Will about how he thought the hotdogs at the different 7elevens in Seattle all tasted a little different. Will said to Tom, "Fair enough, lets get some people together and see which is the best one."

Ever the eager researcher, Will set off to try things out before the event. Turns out, at least from a technical perspective, that every dog was exactly the same.

What Tom had been describing, is how each hotdog, while structurally the same, is experienced differently based on the human eating it.

The same dog at 2am after a show is not the same dog at 2pm between conferences in an unfamiliar city is not the same dog as a 9am bite on your way to midterms.

It's like stepping into the same river twice. You can't have the same hotdog twice. 

Will being who he is thought to himself about that for awhile and wanted to do something about it so he designed a 5 course classic meal, with beverage pairings, accounting for seasonality and regional culture, and created the Hotdog Experience.

We hope you enjoy it!

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