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The Hotdog, Divine be ye

Writer: Will OberstWill Oberst

In the distant land of Frystopia, a society flourished where a hotdog was not just a snack, but the sacred symbol of existence itself. The people revered the Hotdog, known as the Glorious Link, believing it to be the divine creation that had given birth to their world. Every event in their lives, from birth to death, was centered around this humble yet mighty food.

Legend told of the First Bite, when the Great Sizzle occurred. It was said that the hotdog was formed in a cosmic grill by the Eternal Chef, whose spatula could never rust. The First Bite was the moment when the Link was created, splitting the bun into two perfect halves—representing the balance between the sky and the earth, the light and the dark, the spicy mustard and the mild ketchup. The Hotdog, with its perfectly nestled sausage and crisp condiments, embodied all that was sacred and eternal.

The people of Frystopia celebrated their faith through rituals involving hotdogs. The annual Feast of Relish was the most sacred of all. On this day, each citizen would make an offering of their finest hotdog, adorned with their chosen toppings. Some preferred simple mustard and relish, others adorned theirs with extravagant sauces and garnishes. It was believed that the toppings you chose reflected your inner harmony with the universe. If your hotdog was perfect, it was said that you were in sync with the divine order of Frystopia.

The priests of the Hotdog Order, known as the Grillmasters, were the highest authority in the land. They wore robes patterned with ketchup and mustard stains, and their sacred utensils—a spatula and tongs—were said to have been handed down by the Eternal Chef himself. Each Grillmaster’s job was to keep the divine flame of the grill alive, ensuring that the world remained in balance. If the flame ever went out, chaos would ensue, and the world would fall into a state of eternal hunger.

One day, a young citizen named Lira grew restless with the monotony of their ritualistic lives. She had never questioned the importance of the Hotdog, but she felt there was something more to the world than just hotdogs and condiments. Lira embarked on a journey beyond the bun, traveling to the farthest regions of Frystopia, searching for the truth.

After many days of wandering, Lira stumbled upon an ancient text hidden in the ruins of a forgotten temple. The text spoke of a time before the Hotdog, when the people lived without the sacred Link, surviving on a diet of fruits, grains, and simple meals. But there was a warning: if the people ever discovered the truth behind the Hotdog's divinity, their society would be consumed by an insatiable hunger—both physical and spiritual.

Lira returned to the heart of Frystopia, where she stood before the Great Grill in the center of the city. With great hesitation, she revealed the ancient text to the Grillmasters. As they read the words, a murmur spread among them. For the first time in history, doubt crept into the hearts of the priests.

But just as the balance seemed ready to shift, the ground trembled, and a cosmic sizzle echoed through the sky. From the heavens above, a hotdog descended, wrapped in golden foil, glowing with divine light. The Eternal Chef had returned.

With a mighty crack, the hotdog split open, revealing a perfectly cooked sausage, surrounded by a cloud of steam. The people, awestruck, fell to their knees in reverence.

Lira realized that, even if the truth behind the Hotdog was a mystery, it was the faith in the Link that had brought the people together. Whether divine or not, the Hotdog had given Frystopia purpose, unity, and joy.

And so, Frystopia continued to thrive, with each hotdog a reminder that in a world full of questions, sometimes the simple act of belief was all that was needed to keep the flames of life burning bright.



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